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Data type table in plugin tabular v0.5.0

Tabular data (table, spreadsheet, data_frame, what have you).

The table data is organized in sets of columns (arrays of data of the same type), with each column having a string identifier.

kiara uses an instance of the [KiaraTable][kiara_plugin.tabular.models.table.KiaraTable] class to manage the table data, which let's developers access it in different formats (Apache Arrow Table, Pandas dataframe, Python dict of lists, more to follow...).

Please consult the API doc of the KiaraTable class for more information about how to access and query the data:

Internally, the data is stored in Apache Feather format -- both in memory and on disk when saved, which enables some advanced usage to preserve memory and compute overhead.

Author(s) Markus Binsteiner (
Tags tabular
Python class kiara_plugin.tabular.data_types.table.TableType

Implementation details

Python class
Value class
Config class
table → any